Monday, October 18, 2010


Footie fans! Welcome! This blog is for me to give my views on football. There will be fun stats, wicked elevens, news shite, links, gossips, views on shitty managers and players, and WAGS! So bare with me. Please note that I might use vulgar words, so if you're under 18, just *bleep* or *tut* yourselves.

My name is Syed, I am from Malaysia. Beautiful country with shitty a football league. I support Tottenham Hotspur since I was about 8, where my hero back then was Clive Allen and Chris Waddle, just before they left and In came Gary Lineker (1989) and Gazza (1987). We were quite strong back then, having won the FA Cup and finished third in the old 1st Div. Good players come and go, namely David Ginola, Juergen Klinsmann, Erik Thorsvedt, Gary Mabbut, Sol The Judas Campbell, Teddy Sheringham, Darren Anderton, Les Ferdinand, Christian Ziege, Edgar Davids, Dimitar Berbatov and the list goes on and on and on. Despite almost getting relegated in two occasions, I remain true and still support the team who have failed to maintain their consistency throughout a whole season. I've been thru ups and downs, and right now things are looking bright for a young Spurs team. So thats a lil bit about me. Now on with the blog, sit back, enjoy and Ball-ocks!

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